23 years ago, a volunteer service company called Points of Life started an awesome holiday called Family Volunteer Day. This day is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving to "kick-off the holiday season with giving and service." This year Family Volunteer Day falls on Saturday the 22nd. Personally, I am in love with this idea! Not only are we giving back to our communities but we're also teaching our children to be outstanding individuals. My daughter is only 19 months old so, sadly, I've got some waiting to do until we can do community service together. But I'm not letting that stop my giving spirit!
When I first realized that I absolutely hate my job and decided to go into business for myself, I knew 100% that I wanted to impact the world in some small way. Yeah yeah, being a business owner is the bee's knees
sometimes but I knew that I wanted more than a fancy title. I have always admired companies that give back to the community and actually, Disney Change for Kids is partnered with GernerationOn for this year's Family Volunteer Day. Anyway, the idea hit me one day. I can do that with my business too! But then I had to figure out what exactly I wanted to help with. Since having my daughter, my heart strings have been on super overdrive and literally
everything touches me emotionally. That's when I had my next great idea.
I decided that for each month of the year my business would donate to a different organization. Due to November being all about food, I decided that November's Charity of the Month would be Feeding America. For each product purchased I will donate $1 USD to help feed hungry families in the United States. Sure, it's not much but according to Feeding America's website just $1 can help feed 10 families through their network of food pantries!
I love that there is a Family Volunteer Day in existence. By doing a little community service as a family you're not only gaining valuable time with your kids, you're also teaching them how to be awesome adults and the world really needs some more of those! We were all born to do good in the world so I encourage all of my readers to grab the kids and embark on an adventure this Saturday.
Let me know what your family is planning on doing! I would love some future ideas. Don't forget to take plenty of pictures and use #BornToReign on your social media accounts!
You can find more information about my business at borntoreignfashion.com and don't forget to please like us on Facebook.